Repairs to my all-sky camera.

Recently I noticed a weird red light in the night sky photos taken by my all-sky camera.

After some investigation with my poking my head above the acrylic dome to look at the setup, I noticed the camera had fallen inside the enclosure on a weird angle.

I took the camera down for maintenance. After unscrewing the case, I found the issue. The plastic strap that I used to hold the camera in place had fallen completely apart, likely due to the heat build up (something that I need to address soon).

Some quick thinking of what scrap pieces of metal that I had laying around to replace the plastic strap with, and I remembered that I had some old expansion slot covers from an old tower computer. A couple of holes drilled and bending the cover over and I had made two brackets to hold the camera in place.

Put everything back together and camera is held in snug now.

Repair held and image looks much better.

Work left to do:
* Replace bolts with stainless steel bolts to prevent rusting.
* Install case fan to exhaust heat.
* Install larger vent on side to allow case fan to exhaust heat.
* Replace lens with new 180deg lens and properly focus camera.



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