Tag: driveway

  • 7/2 Star Party

    Held a small public star party that only 2 friends showed up for. One of those rare summer nights in Maine with decent weather conditions. Minimal wind. Warm in the mid 60F. Only some passing clouds occasionally towards the north. Seeing was excellent; very little twinkle of the stars. I had my 10″ dob out…

  • Comet Leonard

    Early this morning around 3:30am I went outside and photographed C/2021 A1 (Leonard) from my driveway. I also looked at it through binoculars. Very faint fuzzy. Since I don’t have a tracking mount for my camera yet, I had to boost the ISO (ISO2000 @ 8 seconds, f/1.4 16mm) to get any appreciative detail of…

  • Early morning astrophotography from the driveway.

    I woke up early this morning and went outside to cool morning with no breeze or clouds. Seeing was great. Took me a moment to get my bearings as the constellations were in different locations in the sky from when I usually observe (at night). Looked at Orion and Andromeda. Saw a couple of meteors…