Tag: DRA
Public Star Party at DRA 1/21/2023
I attended the Central Maine Astronomical Society Star Party at Damariscotta River Association, now called Great Salt Bay Farm from around 7:15 until 9:30pm. A particularly cold night, though I had 3 layers of clothing on, I did not feel too cold. Conditions weren’t the best, a lot of moisture in the sky. Seeing was…
Public Star Party 1/28/2017
CMAS event at DRA. Weather was good. Temperatures in the upper 20s. Slight breeze. Seeing was good, atmosphere pretty still. Transparency was poor at the horizon but very good at the zenith. I carpooled with my club’s president and we had about six other people, some club members, show up to the star party. There…
Public Star Party 8/6/2016
Last night I went out with the local astronomy club to a club site at Damariscotta River Association land trust. In the afternoon a rain shower must have rolled through as the ground was a little damp. Lots of clouds but weather forecasts said clearing by 10 or 11pm. Got to the site after a…
Public Star Party 4/30/2016
I went out to my local astro club starparty last night. Well, it started with some solar observing at a club member’s house around 3pm. Weather was spectactular. No clouds, bright blue skies, just a light breeze, warm around 50F. I counted 7 or 8 sunspots visible. I brought my repaired Celestron Nexstar 4GT with…